The Most Important Thing My Mom Has Taught Me (Happy Mother's Day!)


My mom, she's a knock out, she's a go getter, she's a list maker, a news reader, an early riser, an awesome pool player, the cutest grandma, who once had spinners on her Camry, makes the best creamed eggs on toast, and went to tax school just to help me with my business. If I were blonde and blue eyed, we'd be twins. And if I were two inches shorter, because, that's right, I am taller than my mom. Yess.

She has taught me to put family first, that I can only control my own reactions, that going to bed on time means you never get sick, that sometimes boys like burned toast, that your partner in life should be your best friend. And like a million and a half other things.

But this one really gets me. In high school, my mom stuck the Serenity Prayer in our bathroom mirror and I've had it memorized since. 

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

When you read that to yourself over and over, it settles in. It encourages you to let go, and to hold on, to pray and to learn to listen to what God's telling you.

Thanks Mom for teaching me this and all the millions of other things that have made the woman I am today <3 Who is totally adorable because your genes are top notch. *insert appropriate emoji here*