Why I Started Blogging

SLO Photographer
SLO Photographer

I started blogging with a lot of putters. I wrote a few blog posts when I lived in France but I found the idea of just simply writing down what I did that day very boring (and since then I’ve forgotten a ton of cool things I did while I lived there so THAT WAS DUMB). Then, I realized I enjoying sharing entertaining stories- so I wrote “Why Girls Should Never Play Fantasy Football” and “Things Tinder Taught Me”. And then I stopped. (WHY!) BUT, when I realized that people actually read those posts and those posts made them laugh, or feel closer to me, or feel closer to other people who could also relate to them, I was like ummm yeah. Let’s do this thing. It clicked and it’s grown and only like two months into really blogging I’m writing this post to remind myself all the reasons that I started, so that I will keep going.

So, here's why I started blogging.

1. Because I think I’m really funny. And life isn’t always funny.

So, let’s just start with that. When I blog, I feel like I can turn something serious- like an agonizing break up, or getting in a street fight where somebody had a freaking knife- into something funny, and if not, then at least light hearted. Not that I just naturally feel light hearted about those things, but writing about them makes me turn those lemons into a delightful lemonade. And I love making people’s day a little more delightful. I was voted “Most Likely To Brighten Your Day” in high school and I take that very seriously.

"You're really funny!" "Thank you!" "So, you agree? You think you're really funny?"

.. Yes.

2. Because I have a horrible memory.

I have done amazing things. And I forget a lot of them. I forget how I felt, who was with me, the significance it had on my life for that period of time. And because sometimes when I’m down, I read my own blog posts that make me laugh and remember that life is not so bad, and even if it is, at least I’m kind of funny.

3. Because I like being an example.

Because I have a great life, I really do, and I live my life like an open book because I want to lead by example. I don't want to have to say "Do as I say, not as I do." I'm proud of my decisions and I always want to be proud of my decisions. I’ve learned a lot by doing the wrong things (I almost got married at twenty!) and by doing the right, but very scary things (I graduated college early and moved to Australia!). I secretly feel like God just pays me to be a good example, I don’t know if I ever actually work, and I am fine with that.

My life is an example to many, Because you have been my strength and protection. This is why I can never stop praising you; I declare your glory all day long. Psalm 71:7-8

4. Because I want other people to know there are people out there like them. And I want to know them, too.

There are people out there who are old and single, like me. There are people out there who never clean their room, or do their hair, but that get more done in a day than anyone they know. There are people out there who are Christian and like secular music. There might even be people out there who love Jesus AND dancing! WHHAAAA. You’re not alone! Embrace it! And blog about it! And send it to me! And I will read it and we will be friends!

San Luis Obispo Photographer
San Luis Obispo Photographer

5. Because it’s good for business.

It’s tough to be photographed by somebody you don’t know. But I know that people who read my blog feel like they know me- because they do. Because I’m (pretty) open, and I’m not holding back on what I want to say. I’m a lot like that in real life, but actually even more "blah blah blah let me tell you everything about my life" in person. I can tell when a client follows me on Instagram, or reads my blog, because they are so much quicker to relax in front of the camera, and are even more excited to have their photo taken by me. And this shows. Big time. I know the people who come to me will share my vision, my positive outlook, and my energy during our photo shoot- and that makes magic. I also need somewhere to show off all my pictures, duhhh.

6. Because if a boy doesn’t like my writing, then he doesn’t like me, so it’s really helpful to just narrow them down early.

Just knowing that somebody reads my blog is an instant check mark on the ‘pros’ side. This means he likes my humor, doesn’t mind an occasional s word (NO EFF WORDS EVER), and if he’s pursuing me after the blog, he probably likes my face since my face is ALL OVER THESE POSTS. I swear I will get pictures of other people up on here soon. Also, I am training him to have good grammar and letting him know he has to be a Jesus lover, before he tries to Facebook message me with a “Your pretty”, and gets shut the hell down. Let’s avoid the embarrassment and save us both some time.

[This one is a joke. I'm not really blogging to find a boyfriend, good Lord, people, so gullible.]

In truth, sometimes blogging feels a little self absorbed.

Especially with all the damn pictures of my face everywhere. But every time I feel like that, I have somebody tell me (this is a verbatim quote):

“Your blogs and just seeing how positive you are is what makes me be like it’ll be okay!” or “Hey girl! I just wanted to let you know that you are awesome! And I love all your blogs! Me and [so & so] broke up as well and whenever I see how much you are killing it, it makes me want to kill it just like you! Keep up the great work.”

And then I remember:

I may be blogging for me, but I'm definitely blogging for you.

San Luis Obispo Photography
San Luis Obispo Photography